Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"Girl" to "Boy"

Mud is not food; a slug is not a pet; be nice to the dog; put your dirty clothes IN the laundry basket; keep your elbows off the table; your dad is going to teach you to mow the lawn and be sure to mow weekly; check the oil in your truck often; be sure to know how to change a flat tire; pay attention in Hunter's Ed; wipe that dirt off your face; make sure your shirt is tucked in for church; try your hardest; respect your elders; hold doors open; buy your mom flowers; treat girls with respect; take off your shoes so you don't track mud through the whole house; shower daily; don't forget deoderant; clean your plate at dinner; be sure to call your grandparents and tell them you love them; watch football on Sundays with your dad.


  1. Being a sports fan I love the line about watching football on Sundays with the dad. Simple and to the point, I like it!

  2. I love it that these instructions include a certain amount of general operating procedures or "how-to" instructions as well as things that aim at larger principles like love and respect.
