Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I sat on the couch listening to my parents reflect on their relationship before marriage.  This was their way of trying to comfort me after a bad breakup.  They began talking about the months leading up to their wedding, a time when my dad got cold feet and started second guessing himself, leaving my mom with no choice but to leave and stay at her parents’ for a while.

Well your mom broke up with me once, he said.

Nothing came from my mom.

She did? I asked.

Yeah she did, he said.

Do you remember when you broke up with me? he asked her.

No, when did I break up with you? she said.

When you left to stay with your parents, he said.

This got one of my mom’s famous looks.  You didn't know if you wanted to get married, she said.

You didn't have to leave, he said.

Well, I wasn't going to stay there, she said. 

You didn't stay at your parents’ very long, he said.

Well you changed your mind pretty quick, she said.

Why didn't you stay there longer? he asked.

Because you didn't want me to leave in the first place! replied my mom.

My dad knew he couldn't win, so he thought quick...

Well, the roads were bad, he said, trying not to laugh.

My mom gave him another one of her famous looks and I decided to chime in.

Wasn't it July, I asked?

Yes, replied my mom.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Test Prep 2


"the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words"

HERE is a great little site with alliteration examples!

"buzz," "zap," and "sizzle" are all examples of alliteration.  True or False?

Click here for the answer.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Test Prep


The definition from our book is--------
                   "a statement that on the surface seems that it cannot possibly be true, but that turns out to be        
                    true after all"

and the example from the book--------
                    "One short sleep past, we wake eternally
                      And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die."

This actually clears nothing up for me...SO here is a nice little website that helps clear things up.

If things are still a little hazy, then try watching this youtube video

Monday, February 11, 2013

Howl Imitation

I saw the minds of my generation...

Afraid to go camping because of lack of cell service.  Eyes widening, wondering how they were going to spend their time.  Forgetting about Pictionary, camp fires, s'mores, and night swimming.  Trading it for Facebook and not realizing that the people sitting in front of you are the ones that matter.

Who sit in class and disrespect their teacher and everyone around them.  Talking to each other, phones going off in the middle of class, cheating on tests, and cheating through life.

Those who come into the pharmacy where I work.  Getting all their prescriptions for free through medicaid as I stare at their tattooed arms holding up their smart phone.  Taking their free prescriptions for granted.  Meanwhile the next person in line has to spend $200 on a prescription to help her son with the flu because her insurance doesn't cover that drug.

Who cut in front of you on the road, not realizing how rude and dangerous it is.  In a hurry to be on their way, yet drive so slow you want to scream.

I saw the minds of my generation become swarmed with reality TV.  Choosing Jersey Shore and Toddlers and Tiaras over news stations or popular movies.

Who choose shopping over family at Thanksgiving.  Standing in line at 7 pm on Thursday instead of saying Grace at a table full of good food and surrounded by the people you love.  Forcing those who work at these stores to be away from their families as well.

Who no longer appreciate the little things in life.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Warm and welcoming blankets on a mattress;
a cloud so easily accessible.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Being out in the sunshine
with toes dipped in the water,
the ocean breeze on your back,
and working on your tan.
You could be strolling along the board walk,
or looking at the bright city lights at night.

When you're out at night
avoiding the sunshine
and out on a walk,
you can walk along the water
in the sand colored a beautiful tan,
with the city lights at your back.

To your home you can start to head back
to be tucked away for the rest of the night.
In your dreams, your mind wanders back to that sand so tan,
and the feel of your warm back bathed in sunshine.
Again, your dreams draw you back to the salty water
and again, you walk.

And the next day, you walk.
You walk back,
back to the water,
day or night,
rain or sunshine,
you walk back to that sand, so soft and tan.

And sometimes you leave the sand, so tan.
And through the beautiful city you walk.
The day is majestic with the sunshine
on your back.
And on goes the night
in the city along the water.

And in the city along the water,
with the sand a beautiful tan,
couples hold hands as they stroll at night
window-shopping at Pier 39 and listening to the seals by the board walk.
and before it gets too late, they head back
to get home to bed to wake up again to the sunshine.

But I stand alone by the water on the board walk.
I don't care about my tan or the wind at my back.
Or the nights spent by myself--I'm here for the sunshine.

Written with San Francisco, California, on my mind :)